- In 2011, the number of tourists that visited Hungary was 10,250,000.
- 98% of Hungary's tourists come from Europe. Most of the tourists come from Austria, Germany, and Slovakia.
- The Buda Castle and Matthias Church in Budapest- This grand palace has 203 rooms and hosts the Historical Museum and the National Art Gallery.
- Hungary Parliament Building- Guided tours are available when the National Assembly is not in session and last about 45 minutes.
- Andrassy Avenue- This is the most famous shopping area in Budapest. Entertainment of all sorts can be found here along with restaurants and boutiques.
- Caves of the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst- There are 712 caves! This also includes the world's largest stalagmite and an ice filled abyss.
- House of Terror- It contains exhibits related to the fascist and communist dictatorial regimes in 20th-century Hungary and is also a memorial to the victims of these regimes, including those detained, interrogated, tortured, or killed in the building.
- St. Stephen's Basilica- The church was named after St. Stephen the I of Hungary, the first King of Hungary. It is the third largest church building in Hungary, but the most important church building.
3. National Parks:
- Hortobagy National Park - 1972
- Kiskunsag National Park - 1975
- Bukk National Park - 1976
- Aggtelek National Park - 1985
- Ferto-Hansag National Park - 1991
- Danube-Drava National Park - 1996
- Koros-Maros National Park - 1997
- Balaton Uplands National Park - 1997
- Danube-Ipoly National Park - 1997
- Orseg National Park - 2002
4. Important Museums:
- Hungarian National Museum
- Hungarian Natural History Museum
- Budapest History Museum
- Hungarian National Gallery
- House of Terror
- Museum of Applied Arts
- Museum of Ethnography
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